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I’ve truly appreciated all the work you put into developing my site. My site is nothing I could have dreamed up on my own! Your level of knowledge, commitment & recommendations as to what to incorporate into a website was beyond amazing! So a MAJOR thank you to your work on my site” - Deborah Hilton, Health Home Care Services
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Website Redesign Audit

[fancy_title style=”1″ align=”left” heading_style=”h2″ title_color=”#ff7902″ title_lines_color=”#ff7902″]Website Redesign SEO Audit Consultation[/fancy_title]

The reason you are redesigning your current website is to impact your business, not because you are bored with the design or because you want it to be blue not red. The purpose of your website redesign should be increased visitors, leads which translate to more customers. Every decision you make should be focused on improving those goals. Keeping that in mind, you might spend a bit less time worrying about the exact shade of reddish-orange on the callout background, and more time worrying about things that will improve your marketing results.

Intact Marketing Website Redesign SEO Audit Consultation will help avoid pitfalls, inventory your online assets, and show you how to protect them.

There are countless ways a website redesign can actually negatively impact your results. In fact, I would say that more often than not, website redesigns do have a negative impact on marketing results. Your existing website has a lot of assets that you have built up. These assets help your prospects find your website and help you turn them into leads and customers. You need to find out what those assets are (great content, keywords you rank for, inbound links to individual pages, conversion tools) and protect them carefully during the redesign.

While it may seem like a lot to juggle, you cannot wait to consult with an SEO expert after your redesign is completed. The ramifications of redesigning without an SEO consultation include: lost traffic, missed linking opportunities, as well as confusing site architecture and navigation, to name just a few.

A Website Redesign SEO Audit Consultation must be your first step before redesigning your current website.

Intact Marketing SEO expert will consult with your marketing, design and development teams to ensure your redesigned site is created in a search engine friendly manner so that you don’t lose your current search engine rankings and targeted traffic.

Intact Marketing Website Redesign SEO Audit will assist you with the following areas:

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  • Proper URL redirects
  • Navigation review
  • Site architecture review
  • Internal linking review
  • SEO technical analysis
  • Content review
  • High-level review of your HTML code, CMS and Tags
  • Answers to your SEO questions


When you are redesigning your website you should build it with today’s social media basics integrations. They are not expensive, and they work. A blog is a great way to create content on an ongoing basis, and to start to converse with your customers and prospects. RSS allows some content from your website to be automatically pushed out to other websites and people, increasing the reach of your content. Landing pages are critical to actually get value out of your traffic. Integrating your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube network platforms allows you to increase your followers list. And SEO really works to helps you get ahead of your competitors.

The goal of your website should always be to increase visitors and conversions. A business website is a business tool and should deliver business results.

Contact us today to ensure that your website redesign provides you with more search engine traffic, not less!

If your current website is not ranking well or bringing targeted traffic to your website, then you should look into our ongoing SEO services as you begin your website redesign.

If you are a larger company looking for a more in-depth review, please have a look at our Premium SEO Website Audit Consultation & Recommendation.

Our Website Redesign SEO Audit Consultation is $1,490

[readmore link=”http://intactmarketing.ca/website-audit-request/” bg_color=”#86a8ce” color=”#fff” align=”left”] Schedule Your Website Audit Now!  [/readmore]