Happy Clients

I’ve truly appreciated all the work you put into developing my site. My site is nothing I could have dreamed up on my own! Your level of knowledge, commitment & recommendations as to what to incorporate into a website was beyond amazing! So a MAJOR thank you to your work on my site” - Deborah Hilton, Health Home Care Services
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Basic Website Audit

[fancy_title style=”1″ align=”left” heading_style=”h2″ title_color=”#ff7902″ title_lines_color=”#ff7902″]Basic SEO Website Audit Consultation[/fancy_title]

A website is absolutely worthless if it does not produce measurable results.

A Basic Website Audit Consultation will help you understand how you can drive traffic to your site your site.

Whether you have some specific search marketing problems with your website, or you are new to SEO and would like to increase your revenue with your online presence our basic website audit consultation identifies areas where your site’s technology and communications can improve.

If your website is under 20 pages, and you don’t need an in depth website audit then this basic audit consultation is right for you.

In this package you’ll receive our written Initial Site Performance Review, plus One Hour Phone Consulting time.

We will spend time researching and learning about your business, its goals and the issues you’ve been having in meeting those goals. After we collect the date from you we will uncover solutions that you can implement right away and explain them to you in language that you will easily understand, plus answer any questions you may have in a one-hour phone conversation.

We will check your site for the following criteria:

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  • SEO Best Practices
  • Search Friendliness
  • Keyword Rankings – Up to 10 Keywords
  • Content Analysis – Home Page + 2 more pages
  • Site Meta Data – 10 Pages
  • Competitive Benchmarks – 3 Competitors
  • Link Profile Research
  • Website Traffic Analytics


+ Your One Hour Phone Consulting time can be broken up into multiple conversations if you would like so that you can make the recommended changes and have them re-evaluated. You can choose for 2X30 minutes or 4X15 minutes time frames.

There’s currently a 5 to 10 business days turnaround time on these SEO site reviews.

Please remember that this is not an automated site review like most companies offer at this low price, but an actual look at your site by our SEO expert with many years of experience.

If you are a larger company looking for a more in-depth review, please have a look at our Standard SEO Website Audit.

Our Basic Website Audit Consultation is $895

[readmore link=”http://intactmarketing.ca/website-audit-request/” bg_color=”#86a8ce” color=”#fff” align=”left”] Schedule Your Website Audit Now!  [/readmore]